UNICEF says that 26 million people in the Philippines don't have toilets. This should be the number one thing discussed in the media and the number one political issue in the Philippines. Is it, though? Nope.
The article states:Households without proper toilets are mostly found in Masbate, Northern Samar, and provinces in the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao, Gnilo said, citing studies.
No wonder why those areas are so unsafe and people are so against the national government. They don't even have toilets!
People today whine about not having fast internet, about people smoking next to them, and about cell phone prices. These people don't even have a place to sit down and take a dump when they need to. They are going behind bushes or even pooping directly into the drainage systems.
Out of all the issues today discussed in the media about the "sin tax" (which, by the way, they have failed to state what that additional revenue will go towards), Sotto being an idiot, and even the possible taxes on texting, there hasn't been one peep about helping out those who don't even have proper sanitary.
Here's the kicker about the article, it's not talking about toilets in how you or I think about them. It's talking about sanitary toilets. As hygiene expert states:
It does not have to be the white toilet bowl as long as it does not physically touch and does not smell.Basically, we are talking about anywhere to poop. These people don't have necessities that should be basic human rights.
How about Filipino news stops talking about the latest YouTube video and start talking about things that actually harm the Filipino people? Perhaps people will start getting out their pitch forks if that happens. Or is everyone too busy talking about that girl who yelled at someone?
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